Sunday, September 13, 2015

Put your trust in HIM.

So it's been a few days since the big win. If u ask me, yes I was disappointed with the results, were hoping for more of the opposite to voice concern and worries but say this, if the number of opposition parties were lesser maybe it would have been a different result (I said maybe). So many parties, so many ideas = so many choices, want to choose also susah. And new plans has to start immediately, not 4 years later.

Within these few days, I am more disappointed with updates from people who are more educated than me. I feel as if they were not in sound mind when they rant (yes your update, your thoughts is yours and not my pasal) but y when these happened we tend to overlook on Qada' and Qadar? Isn't due to HIS grace and all are prewritten? 
Pin pointing of FTs, has anyone ever asked if they are also doing the same thing? (same2 but different?,I dont see any different between this).

Let's look at things positively, whatever it is this is what has been planned for us, as Muslim we have to stay firm and believe "setiap yg berlaku ada hikmahnya" siapa kita untuk mempertikai takdir Allah SWT.

To Ahmad Nur Khairin Bin Mohammad Khalid, I know you not reading this, but I believe your papa will share this with you.
Should Allah bless both of us, your parents to a golden ripe age 65 n beyond, and if that time comes n we have to resort to cardboard collecting, I don't blame you son, cos we got no other zuriat to depend on anymore. 

We believe we have equipped you with all the best we could in life. The choice is yours.

Work harder....insya'Allah. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Reading the news of the quake in Sabah all over makes me teary. It could happen to anywhere to anyone.

It made me recalled the conversation I had recently with someone. How I worried the safety of khairin even though he's in Singapore. The journey from school to home, to interchange, to sis place etc...

Once he called me at 6.02pm asking me "how ma, what's your plan?" Because student care close by 6.30pm. Told him on since the train I'm in just left Sembawang, take the feeder service and I shall wait for him  at interchange.

Buses after buses of 811 reached and he's not in sight. I could see other students in daybreak uniform with their parents alighted. I started to worry, where was he? How do I contact him, because he does not bring his mobile phone to school. I was getting restless and finally I saw a petite boy that looked familiar. I saw the time 6.45pm. He took more than half an hour to reached.
The first thing I did, I hugged him tight asking him if he's ok, anything went wrong? He answered "I missed the bus mama" He took my hand and we walked off.

So I shared this incident with that "someone" and that person replied that I shouldn't worry, I should learn to let him go out, on his own etc...
I answered yes as much as I do but there's always a part in me that holds back. That person continued further "nothing lah, you over react"
My answer simple, "get married, go thru marriage life, get pregnant n push/c-sect your own baby out and you know"
He is my only one and of cos he's my everything. N the number of children doesn't make any difference if it's about lost/or life taking situations.

To all parents whose children are involved in this tragic incident, I know it's not easy, losing your loved ones. I can't say I understand your situations. Remain strong. It's all easier said than done.

Friday, May 8, 2015

My day went so bad. The initial plan was to meet hubby at Khairin's school before we proceed to amk to get Khairin his gado2 (yes, of all I can think of, he is craving for that). But due to unforeseen circumstances at work, I couldn't leave at my usual time. So I called hubby at 5.15pm asking if he can fetch Khairin, while I follow company transport to amk (tried to resolve the issues while waiting for 6pm).

But at 5.40pm, hubby called to inform that car won't start (macam tahu2 aje, and dah start merajuk)  and that's it, what's going to happen to Khairin. My mind is too occupied to even think of anything. Hubby instructed me to call the student  care to get Khairin to walk to my sisters place on his own.
Took the transport to amk and I continued with train ride to Yishun. Took a cab from Yishun to sisters place (I got no energy to walk anymore).

Reached my destination, waited for hubby and thanks to his colleague for driving him to Yishun, driving us home, despite being out of the way.
I was totally worn out, I dozed off while waiting for dinner, and got shocked with the phone call for delivery. I told hubby, I feel something no right somewhere and he said that I'm just too tired. Now I just want to have a good sleep. I'm emotionally and mentally drained out.

I hope next week wil be a better week, insya'Allah.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Grow up...grown ups!

Grow many of us actually grow up along with our age. Age is just a number, sometimes the younger ones are more sensible than adults.

They say, if you sin, and wish or want to repent, its much easier to talk to your Creator, because, we don't see HIM but HE'S always there to hear our plea always forgiving.

But what if we had done wrong to another person, are we brave enough to own our mistake?  Face one another to clear the air? 

What it feels to get cold treatment without any reasons or so.  And should anyone of us had done something wrong, tell us personally rather then venting your anger and making us feel invisible. (once bitten twice shy....third time don't try)

Seriously I have no time for all this drama, I got better other things to focus on. Want their space, by all means take the whole time in the world that they have.

Don't blame another person, when you don't want to talk. Because I ain't no kid.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I'm back


Alhamdulillah after 9 years of hibernating and much consideration, I have decided to make a return to the world of blogging. The idea of returning did came to my mind few months back but it seems the heart is half ready (just afraid I won't have the time to selit for updates). And so after considering all factors, I've decided to recycle my initial blog named Khalindah with an extention "the sequel". Ya I know it sounds familiar but Nura J, I can't think of anything that sounds better :)

I decided not to continue from where I left, because, my last entry was last day of 2006 and beginning of 2007. And past entries, some were just "apa yang aku merepek bila aku update" kind of moment. Kentalz pun ada lol.

Ok back to the idea of re-blogging, I feel that only through this, I would be able to share, to rant, to express and to voice out what I feel personally as an individual and also act as a modern diary.  So I guess my entries after this would be totally different compared to 9 years ago.

And should any of my entries somehow hit the nail, I am sorry. Because this is mine, I believe everyone has our freedom of speech (of course not to the extend of "biadap"), and since each of us look at things differently, so whatever you read, might not be what you think.  Be positive.